Kentucky River Field School (KRFS) offers a residential gap year program for high school graduates interested in environmental science and considering diverse educational and career paths.

Our mission is to help guide high school graduates in their further study of self, society, and sustainability. We do this through farming, cooking, land stewardship, arts and science, skilled trades, team work, entrepreneurship, community engagement, and project-based learning.

Students work with their cohort and dedicated mentors to explore learning styles, cultivate established and new interests, strengthen problem-solving skills, and make informed choices for next steps towards their educational and/or career goals.


At KRFS, we steward a 4.5 acre historic homestead/farm-to-table cafe (Boonesboro Campus) and a nearby 110 acre nature reserve/farm along the Kentucky river (River Farm Campus).

The two campuses are 20 minutes apart by van shuttle or 45 minutes by pontoon boat.

At Boonesboro, we maintain a greenhouse nursery, farm organic plots, operate a farm-to-table cafe, and host diverse workshops and events.

At the River Farm, there is time and space for mindfulness, reading, writing, art, exercise, camping, and conservation work.